What is Life Coaching ?

Coaching is a co-creative relationship based on mutual trust and respect. It is an engaging phenomenon for gracefully turning client’s goals into reality. It is practical, positive, exciting, motivating and action driven journey to help client fulfil his or her personal and professional goals.

For client, it is rhythmic, enthusiastic forward-marching towards his desired goal and for coach it is pleasant experience like witnessing a blossoming flower as client’s potential, confidence and joy keeps growing.

A coach believes that every individual is gifted with unique talents, power and wisdom to find his or her perfect solutions. And hence during coaching conversations coach explores client’s thinking, determines the motives, skills and abilities which client himself may not be aware of.  Coach helps identify limiting beliefs, roadblocks and motivates client to stay on course for success that matters to him.

Coach provides constructive feedback and un-biased perspective on client’s life. So a coach is a well-wisher, accountability partner and motivator in client’s endeavor.

Sometimes life coaching is confused with counseling and therapy.  Coaching is different, in coaching client comes with stable mind and has urge to grow further in his life. Coaching is not about dealing with past issues and its healing rather it is forward-looking way to achieve higher goals.

Coaching is not about applying external knowledge and ready-made solutions rather it aims to put client’s true potential in use. Yes, every person is unique gift to this world and every life is evolutionary process.

Coaching is not about providing direct answers and advice. Coaching will ultimately help in resolving problems coming in way to client’s goal.

Coaching is not any magic, gimmick or short-cut. It involves hard-work, enthusiasm, commitment from the client.  And when client is ready for change then results are impressive!

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